Sunday, December 6, 2009

10 tips to earn money through sponsored Tweets.

I tried to motivate my friends by telling them how I earn from Twitter. I have blogged about "Make money using Twitter" several times. But so far, I know none of them even attempted to follow my guidelines.

Probably, they want John Chow to teach them on how one can earn money using their Twitter account. John Chow is one of the many blkoggers I respect and follow him closely. He inspires me a lot.

He has laid down clearly 10 tips to earn money from sponsored tweets. Some of his tips will wake you up. (It did that to me).

Here is a sample:
"ClickWatch is a program designed to provide a level of protection for advertisers who engage Tweeters in the Sponsored Tweets marketplace."

Go ahead and read his post and don't forget to thank him.

My previous post on Twitter Money:

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