Monday, February 8, 2010

$600 to design a logo for a dog grooming saloon.

I promised a friend of mine to direct him to an online marketplace for designers of web pages, banners and logos and even Twitter backgrounds and wordpress themes. Like always, I remembered to forget. (smile)

I even lost his email to inform him. I hope he reads this blog post about earning online as a freelance designer of banners and logos etc.

My God, there is a huge demand for designers of web pages, buttons, t-shirts and stationeries too.
Graphic designers are the most sought after category of skilled freelancers.

Sample projects that I saw:
Look, there is a $600 price tag for a logo to be designed for a dog grooming saloon in Russia.
A telecom company wants a logo and they are ready to pay $250. Rush your contribution as there are already 179 entries.

Go to

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