Monday, March 22, 2010

Share and sell your word docs easily. is an online database that works like a repository where publicly shared professional documents are stored to be offered to download for free of cost or to be sold at a price fixed by you.

As of now, there are about 3 Million professional documents, templates, and forms you can preview and download for free at anytime.

How it works?

You can make money from your uploads by signing up for their DocCash program. The uploading part is pretty smooth and I see the site is visited by thousands every day.

What can you upload?

  • Documents related to your business for free referral traffic (you can include your profile and links to your website/blog on all documents you upload
  • Share documents you want to promote such as conference presentations, work product, sample designs, your resume, or articles you’ve written.
  • Upload documents you want to embed and display on your website or blog or have others embed around the web
The best part of DocStoc is, you can it to privately and securely back up and sync all your documents online for free, for anytime anywhere access.

My experience using docstoc:

I faced difficulty in downloading. Whenever I found out something useful, I tried to download but always greeted by a message that read:"This document cannot be downloaded due to copyright protection"

Oh, whats the big fun?

Here is something a bigger bug:

When I tried to 'Flag' the document giving the reason as stated above, another message appeared that there is something wrong with the site itself!

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