I am not kidding. You can improve your credit rating by actually spending! Yes, there are fair credit cards that can be applied for by those who have a credit rating range of 620 to 660.
It is a known fact that the above credit rating score is not favorably looked upon by credit card issuing banks. But to be fair to people who hold low credit score, both Master card and Visa card institutions have come up with this fair credit card options.
They are aware that some are unfortunate to lose their credit rating even though they had good intention of paying the credit card dues on time. To give such people a chance to regain their noteworthy credit rating, fair credit cards are given to them.
If they use the fair credit cards fairly which means avoiding exceeding the purchase limit and paying the monthly balance on time, then, it is very likely to get back their top credit score.
Ah, I almost forgot to tell you that this fair credit card can also be applied for after comparing the deals offered by various credit card issuers.
A fair deal-eh?
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