Monday, April 4, 2011

MTrurk job requesters fleece freelancers.

Today morning something urged me to visit the MTurk web page. Amazon scolded me for not logging in. I complied.

Looked out for tasks that would pay me a minimum of $1. There were only two out of 129,000! The task was to rewrite a few sentences. Wow! That would be easy. I clicked the button to reveal the exact job.

First, there was a small sentence-rather a title to be rewritten. Next, there were three sentences to be rewritten. The task went on and showed me more several more such '3 sentences' to be rewritten.

Then, I figured it out. The job requester wanted a human article spinner for $1. He disguised his job title intelligently that propelled even me, a die-hard detector of spammy subject lines to click on the title.

MTurk promised with more positive changes through an email. Contrary to my expectation, it remains the same offering big, free platform for exploitation of freelancers. It is madness to work at such deplorable pay rates.

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