Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Survey companies pay resident Indians too.

You must take my word when say that survey companies hardly send you a survey if you are residing in India. I have ample experience in this. All the survey pertain to products or services available to the residents in the U.S. Why would they ask a resident Indian pointless questions? The feedback won't serve their purpose at all.

I happen to know about a website Earn Max Money operated by a person in India. He charges you Rs.498/- for a list of survey companies and he says that you can apply to any one or all of them and the acceptance rate is 100%.

Each survey pays anything between $5 to $20. He has uploaded some proof of his earnings. One check shows it is from Google. But why would Google pay a person who has participated in a survey conducted by a third party?

The webmaster's name is Karan Vig. It seems he is earning satisfactory income from his online activities. Then why at all he should sell information for a lowly Rs.498.00?

I am sorry to be skeptic; I thought I will think aloud. If his package can help Indians to earn something extra, I am only too happy for them.

His website is simple and clear. I also appreciated his language.

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